All about me

 Talofa Lava 

My name is Victory. I am year five and my teacher is Mrs Tuia. My culture is samoan.  My favourite sport is Netball. My favourite movie is Lilo And StitchMy favourite subject in school is writing. My favourite Fast Food is KFC. My Hobbies are playing outside.My Family members are my Sister my Mum my Brother my Dad. My favourite computer game is Robloxs. My Family pet is a dog. My favourite drink is Coke.


Task Description: Today for my Summer Learning Journey I had to make a word search it was really easy we just had to add in the words. We added in the title it is called A FUN WORD SEARCH  I really liked this task. Can you find all of the words in the word search? My favourite word is pillows because they help you sleep. Thank you for reading my task description I hope you like it and leave a comment.

Slides Animation Template

Task Description: Today for my cybersmarts we had to make an animation but with Google slides this was really fun I hope that I can do this again. It took a really long time to do this I was so happy to be finishing it I really liked my animation when I saw it. You have to press the arrows non-stop until you get to the very end of it. Thank you for reading my task description I hope you like it and leave a comment.

My Maths Wizz Medal

Task Description: Today I got a medal for Maths Wizz I came third place in the whole entire school I am so proud of  myself and I hope next year I will be able to get one again. I got a bronze medal that has yellow straps to put around my neck. I was so shocked when they called out my name I was so happy as well. Thank you for reading my task description I hope you like it and leave a comment.