Recount: Camp


→ Last week Team 4 had their 35th annual year 5 and 6 camp on the Point England school field.  Mr Burt started camp 35 years ago for our school. I was in the group Kea. My leaders were Elena and Toloti our team teacher was Ms Va’a Fusuaga. 



On day one of camp, we arrived at the school hall with our day bags. We started with the hall activities there was Pickleball, Table Tennis, and scooters. We could choose if we wanted to do cooking first she had to pick though. We chose to do the hall activities first. We went to the scooters we were allowed to go near by the team 4 area but you couldn’t go past room 10. We played PickleBall with one year 5 and  one year 6. I was with Toloti Emilee was with Elena After the activities we had to go do baking we didn’t have enough time so we had to do colouring it wasn’t the fun. After we went to go ride the bikes, if you couldn’t ride a bike or didn’t want to you could go on the scooters. We had to ride around Point England road then when we got to the Point England park we could play there for 10-15 minutes. We played for a long time then we had to ride our bikes back then we had to go back to the Marquee. We had lunch when we got to the Marquee then after we practiced our concert dance. Then after we had dinner we got to go to room 10 to watch a movie. The movie was Moana 2 then after the movie we went to bed in our tent.


 DAY 2

The next day, we were woken up to go do Jump Jam. Then we went to the Marquee to have breakfast I had cornflakes, hot chocolate, toast and sausages.From here we started to get ready for our day activities. The first activity I did was Kayaking, we could choose if we wanted to go with someone or we could choose if we wanted to go by ourselves. I chose to go with Emilee because she is my friend we had to wait because there weren’t enough duo boats. So we waited and Emilee took some photos. Well, we were waiting. Then a boat came and it was a duo boat so we asked if we could go on it. When we got on the boat they gave us a push so we could go around quickly. When we got off the boat we went on another one then we went on another boat, another boat and another boat. After we had morning tea we were sitting nearby the beach and we had cookies. After morning tea we had to go to Killer Zone. Killer Zone is when you have to work together. The first one is where we had to do the planks its when there are 4 square planks, we had to step on three square planks and the fourth one we had to bring to the front and step on it then keep on repeating that step. After that there was this log and we had to put our foot in it then we had to move together.  Then there were water balloons we had to throw at each other. The last day activity was Slip ‘N’ Slide I didn’t want to do the Slip ‘N’ Slide If you didn’t want to do the Slip ‘N’ Slide you could ride the scooters, I was riding the scooters and taking time off the scooters because I was tired. Then we practiced our concert dances. Then when we finished practicing our concert dance it was time to go to the real concert and do our dance.  Every group danced, then we went to sleep.



                                                             DAY 3

On the last day we woke up then did Jump Jam then we had breakfast. After we had to tidy up our tents we had to grab all our stuff and tidy it up. We had to pack our day bags. Then we had to pack our big bag, then take it outside. Then we started walking to the hall. From there we got on the bus I was sitting next to Zumihda.   Then when we got to the Panmure Lagoon there was a girl who was a life gourd and she had to talk about where we could go and what we could do. It was really fun but we couldn’t go in the inside pool and the bombing pool. After I grabbed my goggles.  I started with going to the shallow pool to get myself wet. Then I went to the deep pool. I kept on going underneath the water then after I went to the big slide it was really fun. Afterwards, we had to go back to the field where the girl told us where to go. Then we got back on the bus. When we got back to school I had to leave early so then I went in the car and that was my camp experience.  


Camp Thankyou Letter 2025

Task Description: Today we had to write a thank you letter to someone at camp I chose Ms Va’afusuaga. You can read it to see what I wrote thank you for reading my task Description.

Dear Ms Va’afusuaga, Thank you for being at our year five and six camp. Thanks for helping do things. I am thankful for you to be there and helping our group do things. Thank you for helping us do things and trying new things.
Yours sincerely,

The Battle of the Mountains: Identifying Key Information

Task Description: Today we are learning to support all our answers with evidence from the text. We had to read a story called The Battle Of The Mountains it was a really good story. Here is my task thank you for reading my Task Description I hope you can leave a comment.